Thoughtful Creative. Thoughtful Placement.

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The options for delivering a marketing message have undergone sweeping changes. But advertising campaigns still require thoughtful creative and thoughtful placement to really engage consumers.

Too often, marketers will invest time, resources and energy to develop a campaign and then put their creative eggs into one media basket. Digital.

Analytics Versus Results.

It is easy to see why online digital is an attractive catch-all. Loosely defined, it commands a wide landscape with display, social media and YouTube. More importantly advertisers can target consumers and receive data driven feedback. To many people it seems like a no-brainer.

If you run a “click to buy” campaign, it will probably be successful on digital. But if your message supports a relationship between an audience and a brand, digital doesn’t always show the link to conversion. An advertiser may get thousands of clicks, but at the end of the day did sales go up as a result?

Not All Opportunities Are Digital.

Teenagers aside, audiences are not focused on a digital device every waking moment. They do watch TV, go to the mall and they drive to get to places. As they engage in these other activities, advertisers can engage with them. These avenues are not as data rich as digital, but when they are appropriate, they add tremendous lift to the audience experience. That is why thoughtful cross-platform media placement is valuable.

By cross-platform, we mean multiple screens. Creative that meets the audience on TV, on the screen at the mall, on their mobile device and on the billboard provides a seamless journey through which brands can engage audiences and remind, reinforce and reconnect with them.

Admittedly some of these tools provide more data than others, but each is undeniably part of the ongoing journey all audiences take.


The Advertising Media Relay Race.


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